Changing the subject to something i actually want to talk about.
How do you go about starting a blog. I've been reading alot and they all seem to just...start. They just jump onto a subject and go for it, ignoring the fact that nobody knows who they are or why they're writing. This feels very awkward to me.
So I've decided to take less than a minute to just explain who I am and why I'm writing this.
This is Me in Under A Minute:
I love to drive with all the windows rolled down, and to try out new flavors of chai tea. I love going to the same restaurants over and over again, and usually ordering the same thing. I get freaked out by ketchup juice that drips out of the bottle when it hasn't been shaken properly. I hate hospitals and will try to avoid them at all costs, which is not always the wisest decision. I love to dance, but only when it means something to me. That reason can be silly or deep, but it has to be something. Drinking Starbucks makes me feel like a celebrity, and admitting how much time I spend on Youtube makes me feel like a dork. I'm writing this blog because I want to harness and nurture my writing, and I want to connect with people through it.
That's me. That's all.
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