Monday, May 11, 2009

Should be sleeping..

I am awake against my consent, anxiously awaiting an email that could very well determine my grade in AP world history. So i have to stay up and wait until that email arrives, and i decided to spend this time blogging; something i've been meaning to do for a while now but haven't been able to make time for. 
TIme to ramble about life, log off, check my email, log back in and probably post again. just watch. 
I went to a Black kids concert! it was AWESOME. if you don't know who they are check them out at
there an american indie rock band from Jacksonville, Florida, and they're starting 
to build up quite a fan base. One of my best friends seems to have a knack for picking out musicians before they get big (she had me listening to Kid Cudi months ago) and I went to the concert with her, so i have a feeling that Black Kids are on their way to stardom as well. 
get their music on itunes (i recommend i'm not gonna teach your boyfriend how to dance with you) and watch their vids on youtube. 
the Sunbears performed as the opening and they were also very good.
Apart from concerting, I was in a fashion show :) That was lots of fun, but seemed to give me another reason to procrastinate on all the other homework that seems to have popped up these last two weeks of school. 
But i shouldn't be too hard on myself. I have been doing a pretty good job keeping on top of all my school work, and im getting better at the whole procrastinating thing that seems to be woven into my subconcious.
i have been so exhausted recently. i swear, if this email doesnt show up soon, i may pass out befre it gets here. that wouldnt be good. 
must wake up. 

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