Monday, May 11, 2009

A Villian if a Villainelle

Blood pumps love through my heart

But my love cannot find a place to go

I search for meaning inside my art


Your love seems to hit me like a dart

But my mind is confused and wandering so

Blood pumps love through my heart


What is the point of a brain and a heart

In this game of life we’ve learned to know

I search for meaning inside my art


Tell me I'm pretty; tell me I’m smart

Convince me that our love will grow

Blood pumps love through my heart


But how can I be sure that once we start

Your heart will not find someplace else to go

I search for meaning inside my art


I am assured that you will not part

Your love is the arrow, my heart is the bow

Blood pumps love through my heart

I search for meaning inside my art

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